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Visiting IEDP by Polish teachers

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Grzegorz Postrzech. I am a teacher representing Technical School from Bytom, Poland. Last year (in June 2014) my colleagues and I visited IEDP. It was an opportunity to talk to the teachers, to see how Portuguese teachers work, visit several workshops at school. It was impressive, very educational for my colleagues. Thanks to the visit they could change their attitude towards teaching, apply some methods which they saw at your school.

Now we have another European project for teachers within Erasmus+ programme. Thanks to it we can visit schools in France, Norway, Czech Republic and Portugal to compare different educational systems. In a week we have the last mobility, this time to Lisbon. 5 teachers (different then the last time) will come there to take part in different activities related to education. It would be very good if we visited your school again. It would be like an example of good, modern school in this country.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie/Best regards,
Visiting IEDP by Polish teachers Reviewed by Jornal IEDP on terça-feira, maio 19, 2015 Rating: 5

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